Space Bridge Fund


Space Bridge Fund

Space Bridge Fund – the Fund established on the initiative of the Mazovia Cluster ICT, the Key National Cluster, is a public-private instrument for financing technologies at an early stage of development operating under the Grant Project: BrIdge Alfa, Measure 1.3.1 of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 co-financed by European Regional Development Fund. The Space Bridge fund supports startups with high growth potential that implement R&D projects in industries related to space, sensors, artificial intelligence, automation and IoT.

Areas of investment:

Space industry and geoinformation technologies

New materials and energy

IoT and sensors

Automation and robotics

What is the fund looking for?

Valuable innovation
A product or concept that solves an important problem for a well-defined target audience.

A team
The key element of any business is the people whose technical and business competencies combine to solve problems and create innovative solutions.

Market potential
Submitted projects should have well-defined target groups, preliminary market analysis and budget assumptions.