GreenStep is a transformative project aimed to empower capacity in less developed regions by fostering collaboration, knowledgesharing, green and digital transitions, and alignment of S3 strategies leading to the enhance innovation and economic growth. GreenStep will lay the foundations for long-term collaboration among Q-helix stakeholders in Energy-intensive industries (EIIs) value chains bringing together 8 regions (3 less developed, 2 transition, 1 outermost, and 2 more developed regions) from 6 different countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, and Spain) . The highly skilled and complementary consortium is formed by 5 clusters, 2 universities, 2 companies, and 1 government body, operating as a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, and interregional network whose expertise ensures GreenStep commitment to excellence. Through interregional cooperation and investments, GreenStep aims to fortify regional innovation ecosystems and EIIs value chains by stakeholder engagement at multiple levels to ensure broad impact.
The project is being carried out within the framework of the European programme I3-2023-Cap2b (I3 Project Grants).