Work progress in Greenstep project


Work progress in Greenstep project

Today, another meeting took place as part of the I3 – GreenStep project, focusing on WP3 and WP4. The discussion was attended by Jan Vanžura (NP – project coordinator), Ewa Rekosz (MKICT – WP3 leader), as well as Inga Stasiulaitienė, Rimantė Sedziniauskienė, and Dainius Martuzevičius (KUT – leaders of T3.3 and T3.4). The main topics included progress updates and the effective use of collected data within WP4, particularly in T4.1. Key challenges and opportunities for optimizing the data analysis process were discussed to ensure the best use of the results achieved so far. The meeting helped outline the next steps, bringing us closer to achieving the GreenStep objectives. Many thanks to all participants for their active engagement and contributions to the project’s development!